North West
Travel with Arriva to explore the North West
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From Merseyside to Manchester, Arriva runs local bus services and connects towns and cities across the North West. Explore a destination in the region, find specific bus routes and services or keep up to date with the latest regional news.
Popular places
From Merseyside to Manchester, Arriva runs local bus services and connects towns and cities across the North West. Explore a destination in the region, find specific bus routes and services or keep up to date with the latest regional news.


St Helens

New Brighton
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Pick from our list to explore bus timetables, ticket zones and maps for a specific town or city:

Employer Travel Club
Discounted bus travel for employees across the North West

The Arriva UK Bus App
Transforming journey planning across the North West

Student Tickets
Save money with our Student Saver Tickets