Sevenoaks Bus Services
A charismatic town just a short distance from the capital
Sevenoaks is within London's radar but a charismatic little town in its own right. Shop Bligh's Meadow Centre or visit one of England's oldest cricket clubs, The Vine Cricket Club. Knole House with its beautiful 1000-acre deer park should be high up on your list too.
Our buses travel in and around Sevenoaks with several routes connecting it to Kent towns such as Tunbridge Wells, Gravesend and Kemsing. So why not avoid the hassle of finding a parking space and go by bus instead?
Bus services in Sevenoaks
Below are some of our more popular routes - to find your bus route in this area, please use the journey planner here
Zone maps
Take a look at our zone maps showing bus routes and ticket zone boundaries:
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