Southend Bus Passenger Charter
Before you travel:
1. Bus company websites will show information that helps you plan a journey
2. Frequently updated journey disruption information will be posted online or on social media
3. We will endeavour to operate all scheduled journeys, on time as much as is possible to do so
What you can expect at the bus stop
1. For marked stops, a bus stop flag with location name
2. Access to up-to-date timetable information, either in a timetable case or via the TravelEssex app
3. An area to stand so you can board the bus easily, and so the step-free accessible bus can pull up to the stop, unless there are exceptional circumstances
4. A bus that shows what service it is and where it’s going
5. Bus services that are planned to arrive and depart on time, depending on traffic conditions
During the journey you can expect
1. To pay using cash or contactless, and have a mobile app option for certain tickets
2. A standard wheelchair space
3. Buses that are cleaned inside daily and kept smart outside
4. Professional bus drivers who offer assistance to less able people and overall good customer service
What you can expect beyond your journey
1. A clear, consistent process for complaints, feedback and praise, with timely resolution
2. Bus companies and Southend-on-Sea City Council working together to improve your bus services via improvement plans, thinking of the needs of the travel market and consulting users
3. Bus companies and Southend-on-Sea City Council working together to comply with this customer charter
Please make the journey easer for fellow passengers by
1. Respecting bus drivers and their requests, other staff and fellow passengers
2. Telling us what needs fixing – buses, stops and shelters
3. Keeping your bus clean – keeping feet off seats, taking litter home
4. Always allowing a wheelchair user to use the dedicated wheelchair space
5. Sitting where possible – don’t stand at the front, blocking others