Customers with disabilities

Helping to make bus travel easier

Arriva’s policy towards customers with disabilities

We place great emphasis on the health and safety of customers and staff.

Guidance is provided to all our employees about the best way in which they can meet the specific needs of each customer according to their particular type of disability.

Arriva will actively keep this policy under review in conjunction with all legislation and any related guidance.

We also invite customers with disabilities to put forward any comments and suggestions for improving our policy and the service we provide to them. You can do so by using our contact form here.

Find out about how we aim to help customers with disabilities to travel safely and with confidence on Arriva buses by viewing our policy document.

Assistance Cards

We offer Journey Assistance Cards to make it easier for customers with disabilities to travel, particularly those with hidden disabilities such as learning difficulties, mental health, mobility, speech, visual or hearing impairments. Our Journey Assistance cards discreetly indicate to drivers that you may need additional support, help or a little more time. Just show the card to the driver as well as your travel ticket when boarding the bus.

Download our Journey Assistance cards here.

Hidden Disabilities

Hidden disabilities don't have physical signs and include learning difficulties, mental health as well as mobility, speech, visual or hearing impairments. They can also include asthma, COPD, and other lung conditions as well as chronic illnesses such as renal failure, diabetes, and sleep disorders when those diseases significantly impact day-to-day life.

Sunflower lanyards are recognised onboard our buses, to help all customers feel safe and comfortable when travelling with us. Wearing one will discreetly inform our drivers that a customer may need additional support. Drivers will be happy to offer this extra support, such as allowing extra time for a customer to reach their seat.

Download our hidden disability assistance card here.

Mobility Scooters

We accept certain types of mobility scooters if they pass a simple approval process.

Read more about the CPT Code for the use and acceptance of Mobility Scooters on low floor buses here

Travel with Guide Dogs

Arriva works with the Guide Dogs charity and travel on our buses for Guide dog users and trainers is free. View more information on travel with guide dogs.


It's Everyone's Journey

Arriva is proud to support ‘It’s Everyone’s Journey’, a campaign developed by the Department for Transport in partnership with disability groups, which aims to make public transport more accessible for disabled people. Find out more about the campaign here.

People with certain disabilities may be eligible for free bus travel

As part of national concessionary schemes, local authorities offer free bus travel to people with certain disabilities, please check with your local authority using the links below to see if you qualify

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