Bus route and timetables
M5/M6 FAST to Magna Park from Wolverton or Bletchley
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Wolverton Church Street
Wolverton Tesco
Wolverton Railway Station
New Bradwell Bradwell War Memorial
New Bradwell St James's Church
New Bradwell North Street
Bradville Ashwood
Bradville Stanton Avenue
Bradville Mathiesen Centre
Bancroft Stonegate
Bancroft Roundabout South
Bradwell Priory Common School
Rooksley Roundabout North
Rooksley Roundabout South
Rooksley Retail Park
Central Milton Keynes Central Railway Station
Central Milton Keynes Santander House
Central Milton Keynes Central Business Exchange
Central Milton Keynes The Point
Central Milton Keynes Theatre District
Campbell Park Skeldon Roundabout West
Campbell Park Cricket Green Roundabout west
Newlands Pagoda Roundabout West
Broughton Commodore Close
Brooklands Laconia Lane
Brooklands Square
Magna Park Crossley Drive
Magna Park Fen Street
Magna Park Amazon
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