Bus route and timetables
28 Hockwell Ring to Luton
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What service are you looking for?
Luton Town Centre Luton Station Interchange
Hockwell Ring The Green Shops
Hockwell Ring Newtondale
Tophill Chaworth Green
Tophill Montague Avenue
Tophill Stoneways Close
Leagrave Sundon Arch
Leagrave The Avenue
Leagrave Railway Station
Leagrave Hewlett Road
Leagrave Archway Road
Leagrave Roman Road
Saints Waller Avenue
Saints Avenue Grimaldi
Saints Millfield Road
Saints Rondini Avenue
Biscot Tudor Road
Biscot Saxon Road
Bury Park Selbourne Road
Bury Park Kenilworth Road
Bury Park Sainsburys
Luton Town Centre Luton Station Interchange
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