Bus route and timetables
26 Shrewsbury to Meole Village
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Shrewsbury Bus Station
Meole Village Cooklock Close Jct
Meole Village Elstree Close Jct
Meole Village Milnthorpe Close Jct
Meole Village Carnforth Close Jct
Meole Village Stores
Meole Village Vicarage Road Jct
Meole Village Meole Crescent
Kingsland Priory Playing Fields
Kingsland Cemetery
Kingsland Central Drive Jct
Kingsland South Hermitage Jct
Coleham Belle Vue Gardens Jct
Coleham Greyfriars Road Jct
Coleham Mansers
Shrewsbury St. Julians Friars
Shrewsbury The Square
Shrewsbury Market Hall
Shrewsbury Rowleys House
Shrewsbury Bus Station
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