Bus route and timetables

11 Shrewsbury to Gains Park

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What service are you looking for?
Shrewsbury Bus Station
Bicton Heath Worrow Drive Jct
Bicton Heath The Woolams Jct
Bicton Heath No. 64
Bicton Heath Bromley Road Jct
Bicton Heath Gains Park Way Jct
Gains Park The Onslow
Gains Park Collingwood Jct
Gains Park Sandown Crescent Jct
Copthorne Racecourse Lane Jct
Copthorne Royal Shrewsbury Hospital Ward Block
Copthorne Hospital
Copthorne Chestnut Close
Copthorne Oakfield Road Jct
Copthorne Shelton Road Jct
Copthorne Richmond Drive Jct
Copthorne Barracks
Copthorne Granville Street Jct
Copthorne Bricklayers Arms
Frankwell St Georges Court Jct
Frankwell New Street Jct
Shrewsbury Bus Station
Arriva Bus

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